Once a time a year, the beautiful lanterns catch the eyes, the glutinous rice balls tempt the tongues. New Brunswick Confucius Institute at Saint John campus held attractive Lantern festival celebrations. The Lantern Festival celebrations lasted for half a month, and has successfully concluded on March 19th, 2018. Thanks for all the supports and helps of school leaders and CINB leaders and teachers.

This event includes four parts respectively, Lantern Festival custom experiencing, lantern producing, lantern riddles guessing, and online "CINB Lantern Star" voting. Students from the mandarin class researched the origin and customs of the Lantern Festival, and tasted the glutinous rice balls as well. Additionally, with the help of the art teachers and mandarin teacher, they designed and completed producing of lanterns. The Students combined Chinese pinyin, Chinese characters and the essence of Chinese traditional culture with the lanterns and turn them into vivid traditional Chinese lanterns. Combined with the old traditions and innovative ways, the ancient culture comes to life again.

This time, New Brunswick Confucius Institute at Saint John campus came up with an innovative idea, to display the lanterns both in the school and online. When in the school, the lanterns are displayed in the hall way and library of their schools, where all the students can appreciate lanterns and participate in the Lantern Riddle guessing easily, thus the three schools are all immersed in the Festival atmosphere. Besides that, online voting for CINB Lantern Star is also started.30 different lanterns are displayed online, and everyone can vote for the best one, with the voting results, the top three will be chosen.

Online "CINB Lantern Star" received a lot of attention. 30 students participated in the online voting program. In only 5 days, the Website has been visited for nearly 8000 times, the lanterns earned almost 1000 “likes”. Myles St. Pierre and Brittney Gallant from St. Malachy's Memorial High school student won the first place and the third place, Mexican students Sergio Hernandez Ramos from Harbor View High School got a second with 228 “likes”. Mandarin students passed along the festival spirit to their families, friends, classmates, teachers via the internet, the spirit has even been spread to every part of Saint John, Canada, China, the United States, even Mexico. The whole world are celebrating the Lantern festival together!

Every lantern represents the hope for spring and harmony. Within the Internet, these 30 lanterns has come to the world. Students in New Brunswick Confucius Institute at Saint John campus has shared their joviality with their families and friends. At the same time, the wish for reunion, the concept of harmony, and the “cultural first” principle were also spread to the world. With the Chinese culture being popular around the world, it’s useful and neccessary to bring Chinese culture to people in an innovative way.





      谁家见月能闲坐,何处闻灯不看来?网络“花灯之星”人气评选活动吸引了大量关注,本次活动参选人数共计30余名,5天之内,网页浏览量就达到近8000人次,其中,有将近1000人为活动投票、点赞,投票用户遍布中国、加拿大、美国、墨西哥等国。来自St. Malachy’s Memorial High school 的学生 Myles St. Pierre and Brittney Gallant 荣获第一名和第三名,来自 Harbor View High School 的墨西哥学生Sergio Hernandez Ramos以228票的好成绩荣获第二名。
