The Chinese Director of CINB arrived in Moncton On March 9th. Accompanied by Foreign Director, Superintendent of CINB, Ms. Teng Jing, Mr. Dai visited the AEI office of the capital city, Fredericton and had a cordial meeting with local education officials on the 22nd. John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development of New Brunswick, President of Confucius Institute in New Brunswick (CINB), Vise President of AEI, the Executive Director of CINB, Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie, warmly welcomed the arrival of Mr. Dai and gave important talks. The education officials pointed out that they place great expectations on that CINB will have a bright future and maintain sustainable development. It is believed that the efforts of the two Chinese and foreign directors to make joint efforts will enable the CINB to achieve better development.


3月9日,新布伦瑞克省中方院长代尊峰先生顺利到岗。在外方院长滕菁女士的陪同下于22日一同到访首府城市弗雷德里克顿AEI办公室,与当地教育官员进行了亲切会面。加拿大新布伦瑞克省教育厅副厅长、新省孔院理事长John•McLaughlin,新省孔院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie对代院长的到来表示热烈欢迎,并进行重要谈话。教育官员指出,对新省孔院的未来发展寄予厚望,相信在两位中外方院长的齐心协力、共同努力下新省孔院能够取得更好的发展。