On the afternoon of June 5th, the Atlantic Education International (AEI) and the Confucius Institute in New Brunswick (hereinafter referred to as the New Confucius Institute) held a farewell meeting for Chinese teacher, Tian Tian, Guan Yuqi and Chinese teacher volunteer, Bai Qian, Pan Siying in the capital city of Fredericton. More than 40 people, including AEI staff and school principals from various school districts, directors and all teachers of CINB attended the event.
First of all, Vice President of AEI, Executive Director of CINB, Dawn Weatherbie addressed the meeting. She said with excitement that these excellent Chinese teachers are honored to carry out Chinese teaching work in 4 education districts in the NB. They work in more than 40 schools and have more than 5,000 students teach students every year for teaching Chinese and Chinese culture. They have organized a variety of wonderful Chinese cultural activities and have received warm welcome and compliment from various schools. She expressed her deepest enthusiasm for the outgoing teachers, and thanked the Chinese teachers for their efforts in the development of the Chinese project in the NB.

Then, the Superintendent of Teaching, Foreign Director of CINB, Teng Jing, gave a speech, affirming the efforts and achievements of each teacher in Chinese teaching and cultural promotion, and arguing that “Confucius Institute in New Brunswick will always be your home. Welcome to come back!" In the end, Ms. Dawn Weatherbie presented the Chinese teachers with a special farewell gift from AEI.
Last but not least, Chinese teacher, Guan Yuqi presented a martial art show and won a round of applause from audience.


      Dawn Weatherbie女士首先发表讲话,她表示,新省孔院在全省4个教育学区的40多所学校开展教学活动,每年拥有超过五千名的学员,大大促进了汉语事业在新省的推广。同时,新省孔院拥有专业的汉语教师团队,各位汉语教师在各教学点开设汉语和中国文化课程,举办各式各样的中国文化活动,受到各个学校老师和学生的欢迎和一致好评。Dawn Weatherbie女士还表达了对五位即将离任的汉语教师的不舍之情,并感谢他们为新省孔院中文项目的发展所作出的努力。
      之后,Dawn Weatherbie女士为汉语教师们颁发AEI特制“结业”纪念礼物——弗雷德里克顿特产的锡制成的加拿大枫叶奖章。