At 2:00 a.m. on September 11, Chinese teacher volunteers Sun Xiaojiao, Liang Jiayi and Xu Mengke arrived in Moncton smoothly. After his class at 10:00 a.m. Chinese director of CINB Dai Zunfeng drove to Fredericton with foreign director Teng Jing and the three volunteers. They, together with Chinese teacher Chen Junfeng and volunteer Chen Zhisheng, who arrived on the same day, visited the office of AEI and had a cordial talk with Dawn Weatherbie, vice president of AEI, executive director of CINB, and Lilian Ketch, secretary of AEI. Dawn Weatherbie warmly welcomed new volunteers to the family of CINB, thanked Hanban for assigning qualified teachers to NB province, and encouraged them to adapt to the environment of work and life in Canada as soon as possible. She believed that they would inject new vitality into CINB. She repeatedly said that AEI was their home in Canada, and they were welcome any time. Teng Jing asked four volunteers to introduce themselves. After a brief introduction, the young volunteers said that the journey of CINB was a new stage in their life. They hoped they could learn from the excellent Canadian culture in their work, share with the local people their own knowledge and tell wonderful stories of China.

After the meeting, Teng Jing and Dai Zunfeng led Sun Xiaojiao, Liang Jiayi and Xu Mengke to Park Street School, the first trilingual school and Confucius Classroom in NB. Teng Jing introduced the development of the trilingual classroom to the volunteers and emphasized the valuable experience that could be learned from it. Although it was the first day the volunteers arrived in New Brunswick, they have had a fruitful trip, a better understanding of and more passion for their future work and life.

      9月11日凌晨2点,汉语教师志愿者孙小皎、梁嘉怡、许梦可顺利到达蒙克顿,上午10点中方院长代尊峰课后驱车携外方院长滕菁和志愿者们奔赴弗莱,与汉语教师陈俊锋和同日抵达的志愿者陈志圣汇合。随后六人同行一起拜访首府城市弗雷德里克顿AEI办公室,与AEI副总裁、新省孔院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie和AEI办公室秘书Lilian Ketch进行了亲切会面。Dawn Weatherbie热情欢迎新志愿者们加入CINB大家庭,感谢汉办为新省输送高质量的教师人才,鼓励大家尽快适应加拿大的工作和生活环境,相信大家定能为CINB注入新的活力。并一再表示,AEI就是各位志愿者在加拿大的家,欢迎他们常来坐坐。滕菁院长请四位志愿者介绍了自己的情况,简短自我介绍后小志愿者们表示,新省孔院之程是他们人生中新的发展阶段,希望可以在工作中不断学习当地优秀文化,同时分享自己所长、讲好中国故事。