1. On July 2nd, Beijing time, People's Daily (overseas version) published a news article entitled “Telling Chinese Stories to Open the Door of Communication”. The article focuses on the development of CINB, and the contribution of the directors of the Confucius Institutes like Teng Jing to developing a friendly relationship between China and foreign countries and promoting the world's understanding of the real China. It is as Teng Jing said: "More and more people want to know China, and the Confucius Institutes are their bridges to China."

2. From July 2nd to July 12th, Teng Jing led an eight-member delegation consisting of primary and secondary school principals and teachers from four districts of the NB province to visit China. They arrived at the hotel at 8:00 pm on July 2, then went to Beijing South Railway Station at 6 am on July 3rd. They arrived at Qufu at 11:00 in the morning, visited Gourd Culture Museum of Qufu Normal University at 2 pm. Without having a rest they visited a middle school at 3:30, and a Chinese medicine school at 5:00 pm. They started their trip to China at the rate of "high-speed rail".

3. On July 4, Zhang Honghai, President of Qufu Normal University (QFNU), met with Teng Jing. Teng introduced the development and future plan of CINB. She thanked QFNU for the excellent teachers and the valuable cultural and educational supplies. Zhang praised the achievements of CINB and promised to improve policies and encourage participation to provide more high-quality teachers.

4. On the morning of July 5th, the first Confucius Classroom in New Brunswick, Park Street Elementary School, signed a memo of partnership with Rizhao Experimental School Affiliated with QFNU. The two sides reached a consensus on many aspects, such as teacher/student exchange, curriculum sharing, project co-construction, etc. They said that they will work together to cultivate outstanding students with international vision and cross-cultural background. Their cooperation will help broaden the communication between the two schools and promote their international education.

5. On the afternoon of July 5th, Teng Jing was invited to the Department of College English QFNU (Rizhao Campus) to make a report entitled “International Vision of Foreign Language Teachers”. She pointed out the importance of College English teaching and stressed that students should be trained in listening, speaking and other applied abilities. This report helped the teachers understand the Confucius Institute career , developed their international visions, and encouraged them to actively undertake international communication.

6. On the evening of July 5th, Teng Jing and all the members of the educators group gathered together with 500 teachers and students QFNU (Rizhao campus) to hold the second report of CINB’s “China Trip”. Vice President Hu Qingxue attended the report and delivered a speech. Mr. Zhou Zhichang, the official of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, was invited to attend the meeting. She encouraged the students to participate in the international Chinese education career. Teng Jing shared her experience in developing international visions and improving intercultural communication skills. Meanwhile she invited an excellent former Chinese teacher and two volunteers to share their experience of work and life in CINB. Finally, all the principals and teachers from NB exchanged with the students their ideas on Sino-Canadian cultural and educational exchanges.

7. On July 7, Teng Jing and the delegation attended the graduation ceremony of the Concord Colleges of Sino-Canada in the Great Hall of the People. They witnessed the important moments on the growth path of hundreds of outstanding students. Many of them will go to the world from here. John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development of NB and President of CINB, and Dawn Weatherbie, Vice President of the AEI and Executive Director of CINB were also present at the ceremony.

8. On the evening of July 8, Teng Jing and two officials from Hanban, Liu Ming and Wu Mengyao watched a Beijing Opera in Chang’an Theatre. Yang Jian, a new immigrant of NB and the son of the famous Beijing Opera artist Yang Ronghuan served as art and music director. After the performance, Hanban officials hoped to further strengthen cooperation with overseas Chinese artists and support them to promote traditional Chinese culture internationally.

9. On the morning of July 11, John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development of NB and President of CINB, Dawn Weatherbie, Vice President of the AEI and Executive Director of CINB,Peng Jianhua, Chairman of CINB, Teng Jing and all members of the delegation visited Hanban. Jing Wei, Deputy Chief Executive of Confucius Institute Headquarters, together with the officials from different divisions had a meeting with them. The two sides exchanged views on Hanban's successful supervision of CINB, the five-year plan of CINB, the sustainable development of the qualified Chinese teachers, the English training for volunteers, and HSK examination.

10.On July 12, the delegation's trip to China was successfully completed. Before returning to Canada, everyone said that they had been so moved by this trip to China. Through first-hand experience, they also had a better understanding of Chinese culture. Rien Meesters, Principal of Park Street Elementary School, wrote a long letter to Teng Jing, saying " I also need to speak of the changes on my perspective of China after this amazing experience. Because our two countries are much different in culture, history, politics and social differences it created a mind set that has been drastically changed in only 12 days. I am amazed by the openness of the people and the greenery and cleanliness of these large populated cities.”

11. On July 13, Teng Jing, Liu Xiaowei and Chen Junfeng visited Duodo Technology Co., Ltd. and received online teaching training to learn how to prepare for the upcoming online Chinese language teaching utilizing the network platform and updating educational technology.

12. From July 15th to August 5th, Liu Shujie and Li Shanshan received a three-week training for their future Chinese teaching in Dalian. Finally they passed the course test and got a qualification certificate of international Chinese teaching.

13. On July 17, Teng Jing went to the Communication University of China delivered a speech to more than 160 Chinese teachers who are going to work at the Confucius Institutes. She introduced the promotion of Chinese language in NB province and shared her views on how to strengthen the cooperation between the Chinese and foreign directors. Mr. Duan Yi, an official of Hanban who was in charge of the training, thanked her for her report on the rainy night just before her returning to Canada. He praised that fully reflected her contribution to the career. After the meeting, Wang Yan, who was about to go to the Confucius Institute in Maine as Chinese director, texted her: "Thank you for your selfless share of your valuable experiences with us! I can see that your dedication and personality charm have won the support and recognition of the Canadian side and won the respect of your compatriots. You are my role model!"

14. On July 29th, Chen Junfeng, Wang Jingli and Liu Xiaowei, the outstanding Chinese teacher volunteers who have been working for two years in CINB, successfully passed the selection test for the sponsored Chinese teachers in 2018 and were transferred from volunteers to Chinese teachers after Li Nannan in 2017. The CINB province has provided valuable practical opportunities for Chinese teachers and volunteers, attracting more and more outstanding teachers to give their contribution for the promoting of Chinese teaching.

15. On August 2, local time, Teng Jing, Kimberly and Jennifer discussed the development of the Chinese curriculum in NB. After thorough communication, the meeting reached a consensus on the formulation of the Chinese curriculum for primary and secondary schools in NB. Kimberly stated that this outline will apply to K-12 and will cover Chinese teaching in the whole province in the future.

16. On August 14, Teng Jing was invited to participate the “First Global Confucius Institute Shandong Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference” and spoke as a special guest at the forum. She emphasized that CINB was a project of cooperation between New Brunswick Ministry of Education and Shandong Department of Education, with more than 5,000 students every year. Every year the delegation of students as well as educators from NB visit QFNU to learn about Shandong culture. Liam, a high school student, on the top of Mount Tai said, “I believe this trip to China has turned me a better person”; a principal on the beach of Rizhao said, “We are from the side of the Atlantic and now we are touching the Pacific”. In the end, Teng Jing also told the story of the gourds between the Vice President of the Normal University, Hu Qingxue, and the Kimberly, an official of the Ministry of Education NB. At the conference, Teng Jing was awarded the title of “Confucius Ambassador” together with other 43 Confucius Institute directors. CINB was also selected as one of the 30 Shandong Tourism Overseas Publicity Stations.

17. On the afternoon of August 21st, Teng Jing and Chen Suhan, American Director of the Confucius Institute in Montana, visited Hanban, and cordially talked with Jing Wei, Deputy Chief Executive of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, and Ren Shifang, Deputy Director of the Division of American and Oceanian Confucius Institutes. Teng Jing reported to Jing Wei about the meeting with the Chinese directors, who were going to the U.S., the drafting of the Chinese curriculum in NB, the participation in Shandong tourism summit forum, and the intended cooperation of online teaching and cultural performance between the Confucius Institute in Montana and CINB, which were approved by the Hanban leaders

18. On July 25th Teng Jing, Dai Zunfeng had a meeting with Dawn Weatherbie, Jennifer Graham and Lilian Ketch in Fredericton. At the meeting, Teng Jing made a report on the China tour of the educators, the arrangement of Chinese teachers in the new semester, the revision of the Chinese curriculum, and the joint meeting of the Confucius Institutes in Canada. On August 29th, another meeting was held at AEI to discuss the teaching arrangements for Chinese teachers in the four school districts in the new semester, as well as the Confucius Institute Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in September, Christmas parade in November, the Global Confucius Institutes Conference in December, and the meeting of CINB boards.


1、 北京时间7月2日,《人民日报》(海外版)刊载了题为“讲述中国故事 打开交流之门”的通讯文章。文章着重介绍了加拿大新布伦瑞克省孔子学院的发展历程及滕菁等外方院长为发展中外友好关系,推动世界了解真实中国所做出的贡献。如滕菁所言:“越来越多的人希望了解中国,孔子学院是他们走进中国的桥梁。”
2、 7月2日至7月12日,滕菁院长率领由新省四个学区中小学校长和教师代表组成的8人团访问中国。7月2日晚8点抵达饭店,3日清晨6点出发奔赴北京南站,11点到达曲阜,下午2点参观曲阜师范大学葫芦文化博物馆,3点半访问附中,5点参观中医药学校, 以“高铁速度”拉开了中国之行的序幕。
3、 7月4日,曲阜师范大学校长张洪海会见了滕菁院长。滕菁介绍了新省孔院的发展状况和未来规划,感谢学校为孔院选派的优秀团队,及提供的价值十余万元的文教用品。张洪海充分肯定了孔院取得的成绩,并表示将继续完善政策,鼓励参与,为新省孔院输送更多高素质人才。当天上午,校长团参观了曲阜“三孔”,近距离了解体验儒家文化。
4、 7月5日上午,新布伦瑞克省首个孔子课堂、三语示范学校——公园街小学与曲师大日照附属实验学校签订合作协议,缔结姐妹学校。双方在师生交流、课程共享、项目共建等方面达成了共识,并表示将为培养具有国际视野和跨文化背景的优秀学子而共同努力。此次合作的签署,有助于拓宽两校的交流渠道,促进双方国际化办学水平的提升。
5、 7月5日下午,滕菁应邀到公共外语教学部(日照校区)作了题为“外语教师的国际化视野”的报告,全体教师参加了报告会。滕菁结合在孔院工作的十余年经验,指出了大学英语教学的重要性,强调应该加强学生的听力、口语等应用能力培养,对各位教师了解孔子学院事业,开拓国际视野,积极参与国际交流起到了良好的推动作用。
6、 7月5日晚滕菁携校长团全体成员与曲师大日照校区500名师生共聚一堂,举办了新省孔院“中国行”的第二场报告会。副校长扈庆学出席报告会并致辞。孔子学院总部志愿者处周之畅老师应邀出席,鼓励大家积极投身到国际汉语教育事业中来。滕菁分享了有关开拓国际视野、提升跨文化交际能力的经验,并请归国优秀汉语教师及志愿者为大家讲述了在加拿大工作生活的经历和体会。最后校长团全体成员就中加文化教育交流和与会学生展开对话。报告会反响热烈,同学们备受鼓舞,纷纷表示将踊跃尝试,传播中华文化,展现中国魅力。
7、 7月7日,滕菁带领校长团一行在人民大会堂出席了中加学校毕业典礼,见证了数百位优秀学子成长道路上的重要时刻,他们中很多人将会从这里走出中国,走向世界。中加学校一直致力于培养具有“中华情怀、国际视野、生态文明、勇于创新、领导才能、服务社会”的国际化人才。出席典礼的还有新省教育部副部长、孔院理事长John McLaughlin和大西洋国际教育集团副总裁、新省孔院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie。
8、 7月8日晚,滕菁与国家汉办文化处刘明、汉学处吴梦瑶一起在北京长安大戏院观看中国京剧艺术基金会《京剧艺术传承与保护工程》资助项目《银屏公主-绑子上殿》。著名京剧表演艺术家杨荣环之子、新省新移民杨健担任艺术和音乐指导。演出结束后汉办官员表示要进一步加强与海外华人合作,大力支持华人艺术家在海外宣扬传播中国传统文化。
9、 7月11日上午,新省教育部副部长、孔院理事长John McLaughlin,新省大西洋国际教育集团副总裁、孔院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie,新省孔院理事会主席彭建华,以及滕菁和校长团全体成员访问汉办。汉办副主任、孔子学院总部副总干事静炜带领汉办美大处、文化处、师资处、志愿者处、汉考中心参加了此次会谈。双方就汉办对新省孔院的成功督导、新省孔院五年规划、汉语师资质量的可持续性发展、志愿者英语培训、HSK考试等事宜进行了交流。
10、 7月12日,校长团中国之行圆满完成,启程返回加拿大,动身之前大家纷纷表示对此次中国行有着太多感动,通过近距离亲身体验,对博大精深的中国文化也有了更多的认识。孔子课堂三语学校校长Rien Meesters,写了一篇四千多字的中国行见闻,文中说道“我要谈一下这次美妙的体验使我对中国认识的改变。中加两国文化、历史、政治和社会有着巨大差异,由此造成了认识上的思维定式,但是这短短12天就彻底改变了我的固有看法。中国人的开放包容以及这些人口稠密的城市的绿化和清洁令我感到惊奇。(I also need to speak of the changes on my perspective of China after this amazing experience. Because our two countries are much different in culture, history, politics and social differences it created a mind set that has been drastically changed in only 12 days. I am amazed by the openness of the people and the greenery and cleanliness of these large populated cities.)”
11、 7月13日,滕菁携汉语教师志愿者刘晓唯、陈俊锋参观多豆科技公司(漫中文APP开发公司)并接受线上教学培训,学习如何更好地利用网络平台,更新教育技术手段,为新省孔院即将上线的网络汉语教学做好准备。
12、 7月15日-8月5日,曲阜师范大学外语部副教授刘淑杰和天津五中英语教师李珊珊,在国家汉办汉语教师培训基地大连外国语大学接受了为期三周的公派教师岗前培训,最终顺利通过培训结业测试,获得结业证书,即将奔赴我院从事汉语教学工作。
13、 7月17日晚8点至9点,滕菁到中国传媒大学同即将赴美国孔院工作的160多名中方院长和高级访问教师展开座谈。她介绍了新省十余年来汉语推广的情况,并就如何加强中外双方院长的合作分享了自己的看法。负责此次培训的汉办美大处副处长段奕为她在回加的前一晚冒雨赶至会场表示感谢,认为这充分体现了外方院长对这份事业的付出。会后,即将赴缅因州立大学孔院的中方院长王岩给滕菁发来这样一段文字:“非常宝贵的材料,谢谢您的无私分享!在您身上我看到了旅居海外华人华侨的家国情怀!我辈当努力拼搏。看得出来,您的付出和人格魅力赢得了加方支持和认同,也赢得了同胞的尊敬。您是我的榜样!”
14、 7月29日,在我省孔院已连续工作两年的优秀汉语教师志愿者陈俊锋、王静丽和刘晓唯顺利通过2018年国家公派出国教师的选拔考试。这是继李楠楠2017年由志愿者转为公派教师之后,又三位志愿者以新的身份再次回到新省孔院大家庭。新省孔院为汉语教师和志愿者们提供了宝贵的实践机会和广阔的发展空间,吸引着一批又一批的优秀师资持续为孔院汉语教学推广工作贡献力量。
15、 当地时间8月2日,滕菁与新省教育厅教学大纲负责人Kimberly以及AEI政策和公共关系主管Jennifer共同商讨汉语教学大纲制定事宜。经过充分沟通,会议就新省中小学汉语教学大纲的制定方案达成了一致意见。大纲负责人表示本大纲适用K-12,未来将覆盖到全省的汉语教学。
16、 8月14日,滕菁受邀参加首届全球孔子学院山东文化旅游推广峰会并作为特邀嘉宾在论坛发言,指出新省孔院是新省和山东省教育厅合作的政府项目,每年为5000多名当地学生开设中文课。每年三月学生团和七月校长团都会到访曲阜师大,了解体验山东文化。在泰山之巅高中生Liam说 “I believe this trip to China has turned me a better person”,在日照海边一位校长说 “We are from the side of the Atlantic and now we are touching the Pacific” 。最后滕菁还讲述了曲师大副校长扈庆学与新省教育部教学大纲负责人Kimberly一家“葫芦传情”的故事,以“小葫芦、大作为”形象地概括总结了民心相通的要旨。会上滕菁与其他43名孔子学院院长一起被授予“孔子大使”称号,新省孔院也被精选为30个山东旅游海外宣传驿站之一。
17、 8月21日下午,滕菁和美国蒙大拿州孔子学院外方院长陈苏寒拜访汉办,与静炜副主任和美大处任世芳副处长亲切交谈。这是继7月9日陪同以教育部副部长John McLaughlin为首的新省汉办访问团后的又一次到访。滕菁向静主任汇报了与赴美中方院长及教师的座谈、新省汉语教学大纲的拟定及参加山东旅游高峰论坛的情况,并就今后与蒙大拿孔院在k-12的线上教学及文化合作意向谈了设想,得到汉办领导的支持肯定。
18、 当地时间7月25日,教学总督导滕菁和中方院长代尊峰在弗莱AEI总部与Dawn Weatherbie、 Jennifer Graham以及Lilian Ketch举行了每月例会。会上滕菁就校长团中国行、新学年汉语教师安排、汉语教学大纲修订、加拿大孔子学院联席会议等事项作了汇报。8月29日再次在AEI召开会议,就新学年四个学区汉语教师的教学安排以及9月孔子学院日和中秋节、11月圣诞花车游行、12月全球孔院大会和孔院理事会会议等工作进行了部署。