On November 23rd 2013, the Confucius Institute in New Brunswick attended the Santa Claus Parade in Moncton.
This yearly parade began at 6:00PM. Hundreds of gorgeous floats started from Vaughn Harvey Street and proceeded along Main Street until its arrival at Champlain Mall, Dieppe. The parade took more than two hours and was attended by several thousand spectators from across New Brunswick and neighboring provinces. Supervisor Teng Jing, with the teachers and students of the Confucius Institute, attended the Santa Claus Parade. They held the banners of the Confucius Institute and the national flags of China and Canada, walking in front of the bright Harrison Trimble Hill School float, greeting and waving enthusiastically at people on both sides of the street.
The teachers and students of the Confucius Institute showed Chinese enthusiasm to everyone attending this activity. At the same time, we participated in a typically Canadian event that marks the beginning of the Christmas season in Moncton.
23日晚六点,一年一度的圣诞节花车游行在蒙克顿市举行,百余辆装饰绚丽的圣诞节花车从Vaughn Harvey街出发,通过市中心主要街道Main Street,历经两小时到达Champlain Mall结束,活动吸引了整个新布伦瑞克省以及周边省市的数千参观者。外方院长滕菁女士带领孔子学院教师蒋洁,汉语志愿者安阳和孔子学院学生一起参加了花车游行活动。他们手拿孔子学院的横幅,中国和加拿大国旗,走在美轮美奂的Harrison Trimble Hill School花车队伍前,亲切地与街道两旁的参观人群挥手。
在这次圣诞节花车游行活动中,孔子学院师生向大家展示了中国人的热情, 同时与当地人们一起拉开了圣诞节这一重大节日的序幕。