On November 25th 2013, Confucius Institute in New Brunswick hosted the launch of Moncton’s world-renowned pianist Roger Lord’s CD Chinese Treasures at the Moncton Community Peace Center. The Mayor of the City of Moncton, Mr. George LeBlanc, the Consul General of the Chinese Consulate - General in Montreal, Ms Zhao Jiangping, and the Provincial Minister of Education, Ms Marie-Claude Blais attended this launch and addressed remarks.
The launch started with a wonderful Chinese traditional lion dances, followed by a Tai-chi Fan performance by Chinese volunteer teacher An Yang and her students. Dr. Roger Lord introduced the recording process of the Chinese Treasures CD in China, expressed his love of Chinese music. Then he played “Autumn Moon over a Clam Lake ", " Liuyang River", "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" and some other pieces of Chinese traditional classic music. His wonderful performance aroused lasting applauses from the audience for many times. After the performance, the audience tasted the Chinese traditional food and bought the CDs, enjoying both physically and spiritually. CBC shot the whole progress and interviewed the Confucius Institute students.

Roger Lord is the first non-Chinese pianist in the world to press a CD dedicated entirely to Chinese traditional music. Hailed as “The Piano Prince of Canada” by the China Daily in Beijing, Mr. Lord played his first concert in China in 1999. Since then, he has travelled to perform in most of the major cities around China for about 24 times. 

 The launch not only enhanced the Canadian public understanding of Chinese culture, especially Chinese traditional music, but also strengthened the cultural exchange between China and Canada. 


    2013年11月25日晚,加拿大新布伦瑞克省孔子学院承办了素有“加拿大钢琴王子”之称的著名钢琴家、蒙克顿大学教授罗杰•罗德(Roger Lord)先生的"中国音乐瑰宝"CD发布会。此次发布会在蒙克顿市著名的Community Peace Center举行。包括新布伦瑞克省前省长在内的当地各界名流共二百多人来到发布会现场。中华人民共和国驻加拿大蒙特利尔总领事赵江平女士、蒙克顿市市长George LeBlanc先生、加拿大新布伦瑞克省教育部长Marie-Claude Blais 女士应邀出席并致辞。

     晚六点,"中国音乐瑰宝"CD发布会在一段精彩的中国传统舞狮表演中拉开序幕,随后孔子学院志愿者教师安阳带领孔院学生表演了太极扇。罗杰•罗德教授讲述了他在中国录制CD的过程以及他对中国音乐的热爱,并现场演奏了钢琴版的《平湖秋月》、 《浏阳河》、 《彩云追月》等中国经典传统乐曲,其精湛的演奏博得了观众经久不息的掌声。表演结束后,观众们品尝了孔子学院精心准备的中国传统美食:煎饺,并纷纷购买“中国音乐瑰宝”CD,可谓物质、精神美食双重享受。CBC电视台对此次发布会进行了全程录像并对孔子学院学生进行了采访。


The Launch of Pianist Roger Lord’s Chinese Treasures CD