On February 5, 2019, the first Chinese-English-French trilingual school of the Confucius Institute in New Brunswick held the Chinese New Year assembly. The teachers and students of the school celebrated the Chinese New Year together.
The assembly had a total of 12 performances. Starting with the dance of Chinese dragon, followed by the principal, Mr. Rein Meesters, dressed as the lion, and won the warm applause of the teachers and students of the school. The assembly included dragon and lion dance, dance "Jian Jia", poetry reading "Chunxiao", TaiChi fan performance, Chinese Kungfu performance, piano, flute, erhu ensemble "Sunset in the dark", the song "Butterfly", lantern riddles, presenting Chinese New Year posters, the Zodiac show, and the trilogy chorus "Happy New Year."


It is worth noting that the triplet sisters of the trilingual school won the second prize in Canada in the Chinese poetry reading competition last year. The principal, Mr. Rein Meesters, presented the certificate and award to them.

The school activities were held in the school gymnasium. A considerable number of teachers and students attended in red. The principal, Mr. Rein Meesters and the vice principal, Mrs. Tarah Gauvin, wore Tang suit, and some students wore traditional Chinese costumes.

It can be seen that teachers and students have been deeply impressed by the Chinese New Year and everyone celebrated the Chinese New Year together. Before the assembly, Chinese teacher Chen Junfeng and Chinese volunteer teacher Chen Zhisheng did a lot of preparations. The teachers of the trilingual school also gave effective support and actively used the spare time to practice the performances with their class. The parents have been very supportive of their children joining all the Chinese activities. Together, we presented a wonderful school assembly.
This event is the epitome of China-Canada friendship and provides a more effective way for better cultural communication activities in the future.


      联欢校会共有12项组成。以舞中国龙为开场,三语学校校长Rein Meesters先生的舞狮随后,伴随着大鼓的声音,龙狮同舞,赢得了全校师生的阵阵掌声。校会精彩纷呈,共有11个节目,分别是舞龙舞狮、舞蹈《蒹葭》、诗朗诵《春晓》、太极扇表演,中国功夫表演、钢琴、长笛、二胡合奏《渔舟唱晚》、歌曲《虫儿飞》、猜灯谜、中国年画海报展示、十二生肖大拜年、三语合唱《新年好》。
      值得注意的是,三语学校代言人三胞胎姐妹在去年的汉语诗歌朗诵比赛中荣获全加拿大二等奖,校长Rein Meesters先生为其颁发了获奖证书和奖金,并合影留念。
      校会活动在校体育馆举行,相当一部分师生着红色服装出席,校长Rein Meesters先生和副校长Tarah Gauvin女士更是着唐装出席,部分学生甚至着中国传统服装出席。