On February 27th, Sun Xiaojiao, a teacher from Confucius Institute(CI), was invited to participate in the multi-cultural festival of Queen Elisabeth school. She designed and arranged the China exhibition together with the first-grade teacher Ms. Sweezey and the students, and the CI team was also present to actively assist the activity. Teachers and students drew the national flag, made lanterns and cut Chinese dragons together to decorate the classroom with Chinese characteristics. The China exhibition booth was divided into five sections: Great Wall, panda, Beijing Opera photo area, Chinese characters writing area and Chinese cuisine area.


The most popular one was the writing area. Many students chose to write "China", "Canada", "friends", "love" and so on to express their love for Chinese character culture. Many teachers and students expressed their favorite part of the multicultural exhibition, "That's really amazing!" Ms. Weir, the principal, commented on the China exhibition area.

In the afternoon, Ms. Liang Jiayi brought wonderful martial arts performances to the teachers and students of grade 3-8 and led the students to learn basic martial arts movements. Ms. Liang jiayi, a volunteer teacher from Beijing Normal University and 2016 national champion of southern boxing and fencing, led students from the North and East school districts to perform activities during the Moncton Spring Festival Gala. Now she teaches in North school district. The students were very excited and regarded Jiayi as "star". The Martial Art performances that they only saw in the movies now really appeared in front of their eyes, so they all stared and clapped their hands in amazement. After the performance, the students saluted the martial arts teacher with their newly learned fist gesture and expressed their heartfelt thanks for the teacher's coming and efforts.

Ms. Weir, the principal of the school, was once the vice principal of Edith Cavell School, where Chinese courses had been offered. She was familiar with the CI project. When she arrived at QE, she urged the Education Bureau to send Chinese teachers to set up Chinese language programs. At the beginning of the new semester, as soon as the teachers of CI introduced the course in each class, many teachers arranged teaching time for CI teachers. After the exhibition of Chinese culture in the whole school, more teachers invited CI teachers to teach in class. Teachers who had already scheduled classes also added more classes. Teachers and students were interested in learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture. We believe that the seeds of Sino-Canadian friendship are deeply rooted in the hearts of children.

汉语教师受邀参加Queen Elisabeth学校多元文化节

      2月27日孔院老师孙小皎受邀参加Queen Elisabeth学校的多元文化节,与一年级的老师Ms.Sweezey和学生一起,设计布置中国展示部分,孔院团队也到场积极协助活动。老师和学生们一起画国旗、做灯笼、剪中国龙,将教室布置的独具中国特色。中国展台共分长城、熊猫、京剧拍照区、写汉字区和中国美食区五部分。

      最受欢迎的是写汉字区,许多学生选择用汉字写“中国”、“加拿大”、“朋友”、“爱”等表达对中国汉字文化的喜爱,孩子们将一笔一划认真书写的汉字贴满了“汉字墙”。活动中许多老师和学生都表示此次多元文化展示最喜欢中国部分,“That’s really amazing!”是校长Weir女士对中国展区的评价。

      下午来自北部学区的武术老师梁嘉怡为全校3-8年级师生带来了精彩的武术演出,并带领学生学习基本武术动作。梁嘉怡老师是来自北京师范大学的志愿者教师,2016年的全国南拳和剑术冠军,曾在Moncton春晚期间带领北部和东部学区的学生们一起参与演出。学生们非常兴奋,纷纷称嘉怡老师为“明星”,只在电影里看到的功夫表演真切地展现在眼前时,一个个都瞪圆了双眼拍手称奇。演出结束后学生们用刚学会的抱拳动作向武术老师敬礼,对老师的到来与付出表达由衷的感谢。 该校校长Weir女士曾是开设过中文课的Edith Cavell学校副校长,熟知孔院项目,到QE后,强烈要求教育局派中文老师来开设中文项目。新学期伊始,孔院老师刚在各班介绍完课程,就有多位老师与孔院老师安排了授课时间。经过这次中国文化在全校的展示活动,更多的老师邀请孔院老师进班授课,已经定课的老师也纷纷加课。师生们对学习中文、了解中国文化都产生了浓厚的兴趣,相信中加友谊的种子深深植根于孩子们心中。