On May. 28th ,2014, CINB attended “Multicultural Day” of Nashwaaksis Middle School of Fredericton. Prof. Yang Jianhua, the Chinese Director of CINB and the Volunteer Chinese teacher Cao Xi were invited to be the activity.
During the activity, Chinese culture exhibition booth had aroused wide concern, they are filled with Chinese paintings, “the Scholar’s four jewels”, Chinese kites, fans, “I-go”, facial make-up of Beijing Opera and so on, which attracted many students coming to see and play. Many students like Chinese Calligraphy very much and have tried to write it. Miss Cao Xi also explained the culture about Chinese allegro, “I-go” and Tai chi fan to the students, which has left a deep impression to them.
Nashwaaksis started Chinese teaching from October, 2013. Many teachers didn’t know about Chinese culture and language teaching program of Confucius Institute a lot, so just 50% classes in the whole school started Chinese teaching. But, this “Multicultural Day” is a good opportunity for CINB to disseminate Chinese culture in a large scale in Nashwaaksis. And the photos of Chinese culture and language teaching activities of Miss Cao Xi in Nashwaaksis in last 8 months have let more teachers know more about Chinese culture and language teaching program of CINB. The principal of Nashwaaksis, Mr. Atkins , also hope there will be more classes start Chinese teaching next year.
No doubt, Chinese culture and language teaching program of CINB will run better and better in Nashwaaksis through the joint efforts of both sides.

By Miss CAO Xi



    Nashwaaksis中学从2013年10月才开始开设汉语课,由于学校很多老师对孔院的汉语教学项目并不了解,所以学校只有一半的班级开设了汉语课。而这次的“多元文化节”活动正为新省孔院提供了一个良好的契机,能在学校的更大范围内宣传中国文化。同时中国展台上展示出的志愿者教师曹曦在Nashwaaksis中学八个月以来的汉语课堂教学与活动的照片,也让学校的很多领导和教师对汉语教学项目有了更深的了解。Nashwaaksis中学校长Mr. Atkins 也表示明年要在更大范围内开设汉语课。