On Feb.16th,2015, Chinese Culture Association of Fredericton held Chinese New Year Gala of 2015 in the Play House, which attracted hundreds of audiences come to see. Mr. L’hon Stephen Horsman, the Vice-premier minister of NB addressed the remarks.
CINB was a partner of this activity, Ms. Dawn Weatherbie, Vice-president Operations of AEI, the Executive Director of CINB was also invited to do a speech. Mr. Fazhou Fei, the Kung Fu Teacher of CINB and Miss Xi Cao, the Volunteer Chinese Teacher gave a performance called <Tai Ji> with Park Street School Teacher Bryanna Aube and 11 students.
This was the 4th time for Park Street School to join the Chinese New Year Gala. As the beautiful music on, Mrs. Bryanna Aube, Miss Xi Cao and the students started to sing the Chinese folk song <Jasmine Flower>, at the same time, Mr. Fei was playing Tai Ji in the center of the stage.
This wonderful performance brought a visual and auditory feast for the audiences and won a lot of applause and cheers. This typical performance not only showed Chinese martial arts culture, but also reflected the rich achievement in language teaching of CINB in Park Street School. That CINB is playing a role of spreading Chinese culture and language had left a deeper impression to the audiences again.
——written by Cao Xi
2015年2月16日晚,弗莱市华人协会春节联欢晚会在本市最大的舞台Play House 隆重上演,吸引了近千位观众。新布伦瑞克省副省长L’hon,Stephen Horsman 为本次活动致辞。
新省孔院作为本场活动的合作单位自然是不可缺少的一员。加拿大大西洋国际教育集团副总裁,孔子学院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie 应邀出席了本次活动并致辞。新省孔院武术教师费发洲、志愿者教师曹曦与Park Street小学教师Bryanna Aube 以及十一名学生共同带来了综合类节目《太极》。
这是Park Street小学第四次参加华人协会春晚。随着舒缓的音乐响起,Park Street小学教师Bryanna Aube以及志愿者教师曹曦带领着孩子们开始演唱中国民族音乐《茉莉花》,同时武术教师费发洲则在舞台中央开始展示太极拳。
《太极》节目为在场的观众带来了一场视觉和听觉的盛宴,博得了观众的阵阵掌声。这样一个小小的节目不仅展示了中国优秀的武术文化,同时也展示了新省孔院在Park Street小学的优秀语言教学成果,让孔子学院作为中国语言和文化的传播者角色更加深入人心。