Written by Zhang Xiaoyu

On June 8, 2015, the Chinese language teacher Zhang Xiaoyu of CINB organized a Chinese Culture Exposition at Harkins Middle School in Miramichi, which is the first time for both HMS and Miramichi and also is the first exposition for Ms. Zhang.

 There were about 20 student projects involving different aspects of Chinese culture, made by students from Grade 6 and Grade 8. And they were divided into different stations: Paper-cutting station, Blue-and-White Porcelain station, Blowing-painting station, Beijing Opera Masks fabrication station, Chinese Cuisine station, Calligraphy station, Folk handicraft station, station of introduction of the major cities in China, chopstick practice station, station of the history of traditional Chinese garments, station of Chinese Zodiacs and Chinese Lunar New Year, Tea ceremony station, Chinese Kung Fu station, Pinyin cards station. Each station took their assignment seriously, and they dressed up in costumes, wore masks to teach and demonstrate what they have learned from the Chinese class to students from other grades who took turns to participating in activities and finding whatever station they had interest to learn and practice. And also they had a chance to try some Chinese food made by Grade 8 students. Each group was scheduled to stay for about 20 minutes. And 5 minutes before they left, as the music was on, Grade 6 students danced the bamboo dancing, inviting all the others to get involved. All of the students and teachers were joyful and cheerful. During this event, there were also some visitors from other schools, and news reporter Julia Lovett from Miramichi Leader. All of them were engaged by miscellaneous Chinese handicrafts and impressed by students’ projects and performance.

 This Chinese Culture Exposition was an effort to put students’ knowledge to practice, and the principal of HMS, Jennifer Sullivan said it had been a very successful Chinese culture exposition for being the first at HMS. 

 Ms. Teng Jing, the Director of CINB, and Ms. Heather Wallace from AEI took part in the Culture Exposition too and they were impressed by it and gave it a high evaluation.





      这次的展览由六年纪的两个班,八年纪的四个班在张老师的指导下完成,他们被分成不同的组,大约制作了20个不同主题的海报,并亲手制作各种手绘、手工作品,涉及中国文化的方方面面,剪纸、手绘青花瓷、吹画、京剧脸谱、中国烹饪、中国书法、中国画、中国结制作、介绍中国的主要城市、筷子的来历及使用、中国服饰发展、十二生肖与中国年、茶艺、中国功夫、拼音卡认读等。并且,八年级的学生们上网搜集中国烹饪的相关信息,亲手制作了各种中国食品。各组各司其责向其他年级的学生展示并且教授汉语课上的所学,教授简单的剪纸,手绘青花瓷,制作京剧脸谱面具,演示如何使用毛笔和筷子,讲述十二生肖的故事,身着太极服展示中国功夫,讲解拼音认读,介绍中国的主要城市,中国服饰的发展史等等。观摩的学生按不同的年级轮流进入,自由选择感兴趣的主题学习体验。每个年级有20分钟的逗留时间,在结束前五分钟,六年级的孩子们伴随着欢快的音乐跳起竹竿舞,并邀请所有人一起加入,现场其乐融融。活动期间陆续有校外人士加入进来,其中包括当地报社记者Julia Lovett,他们被琳琅满目的中国手工艺品所吸引,对孩子们亲手制作的海报和精彩表现赞不绝口!校长Jennifer Sullivan也评价说这是一次非常成功的文化主题展!

      新布伦瑞克孔子学院院长滕菁女士和AEI代表Heather Wallace女士也参加了活动并且给予高度评价。