On October 11th, during Thanksgiving Day, CINB student Roger Lord, a famous pianist ,held his piano concert in Dieppe . There are more than 300 people joined. Roger introduced China to the audience on his concert.He said he had been to china 25 times in these ten years, he loves China deeply and is totally admired Chinese music. He played severe songs which launched in 2013,and he also payed “little Zizyphi” with his student. Local Chinese friends also prepared mooncakes during break time. Roger also autographed CD copy sale. On Oct17, on behalf of CINB He will play two Chinese songs during North America teaching conference. At the time of 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Canada , we hope this Canada piano prince will do more contribution .
Roger Lord 在迪亚普举办钢琴音乐会
10月11日,在加拿大感恩节之际,孔子学院“金牌”学员,著名钢琴家Roger Lord 在法语城市迪亚普举办钢琴音乐会,吸引了300多名观众前来欣赏。Roger在音乐会中深情地介绍中国,他在近10年内,到访中国25次,他深深爱上中国,他也完全被中国音乐所折服,他为大家弹奏了2013年孔子学院为他举办的中国音乐瑰宝发CD发行的几首曲目,他还与华人学生四手连弹了“小酸枣”博得阵阵掌声。中场休息时,当地华人 朋友还准备了月饼。演出结束后,Roger为大家签售 《中国音乐瑰宝》CD。10月17日,他将代表我省孔子学院参加在艾特蒙顿举办的北美汉语教学大会,并将弹奏两首中国乐曲。《晚会》《平湖秋月》祝这位加拿大钢琴王子在中加建交45周年之际,为中加友谊作出更大贡献。