Confucius Institute in New Brunswick held a large scale conference in Fredericton on Nov17th ,2015. More than 40 officers and principals from schools which setting Chinese teaching program as well as Deputy Minister of New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development all attended this event. At the same time , this is also an opening for CINB 2015 board meeting.
This event is presided by CINB Director , Ms. Teng Jing. She firstly welcomed all the guests and said thanks to all who supported and helped CINB Chinese program. Then reported our achievement from 2007 which got guests warm applause. Mr. John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Dr. Francis Pang, President of AKD International, Mr.Dannis Cochrane, President of AEI, Ms. Dawn Weatherbie Vice president of AEI, Executive Director of Confucius Institute in New Brunswick, joined the dinner and each delivered a speech, appreciating CINB’s efforts in promoting Chinese culture and language in New Brunswick. At the same time they also showed their supports and will to popularize Chinese program and extend influence.
This conference is in the form of dinner so that all the guests communicated Chinese program’s development among different schools and directs. At the same time, people can study from each other and make progress together. During the dinner, all the teachers from CINB sang the beautiful song Jasmine Flower leading by Professor. Li Min Hong, Chinese director of CINB and Mr. Fei Fa Zhou brought a wonderful Tai Ji performance along with the music which makes our dinner even better.
This conference not only improved the communication between CINB and schools from different directs, but also offered a chance for different schools who can learn from each other. It indeed makes a positive effort for the development of Chinese program even makes a brilliant long bridge for Confucius Institute’s Chinese teaching and Chinese Culture transmission around New Brunswick.
本次活动由新省孔院外方院长滕菁女士致欢迎词。她首先向各位莅临的嘉宾表达了诚挚的谢意,感谢他们对孔院汉语教学和文化传播项目所给予的大力支持和帮助。同时也向大家汇报了孔子学院从2007年创立伊始的14名学生发展到今天近3000名学生的骄人成绩,博得了大家的阵阵掌声。而后其他董事会成员新布伦瑞克省教育厅副厅长(孔子学院理事长)Mr. John McLaughlin、AKD国际教育集团董事长彭建华博士、大西洋国际教育集团(AEI)总裁Mr. Dennis Cochrane 以及副总裁Ms. Dawn Weatherbie也分别发表了讲话。大家一致肯定了孔子学院在这八年来为新布伦瑞克省汉语教育事业所作出的重要贡献,同时也表达了继续努力在新布伦瑞克省推行汉语教育项目的意愿,进一步扩大孔子学院影响力,来促进中加两国在文化和教育方面的交流。
(曹曦 程颖超 蒋洁 供稿)