Written by Zhang Xiaoyu

On November 26, 2015, "Multicultural Night" was held as scheduled at Liverpool Street school. The Chinese director Li Minhong, Chinese language teacher Zhang Xiaoyu and volunteer teacher Cao Xi of CINB attended the event. This is the second time for CINB to spread Chinese culture at this school while the first time dates back to 2013 "Multicultural Night" of Liverpool Street school. At that time and before, there was no Chinese class being offered there. And at the end of that event, the Vice Principal Mr. Wiggins thanked CINB for their attendance, and expressed the thought of starting Chinese culture teaching at their school. With a joint effort of CINB, AEI and the local education department, this desire has realized in two years. In September 2015, after finishing her teaching job for the promotion of Chinese language and Chinese culture in Miramichi, CINB Chinese language teacher Zhang Xiaoyu began her new challenge in Fredericton, the capital city of New Brunswick. She has teaching tasks at two schools ---Bliss Carman middle school and Liverpool Street school, so to some degree, this cultural night marked the first real cooperation of CINB and Liverpool Street school. 

2015 Liverpool Street school’s "Multicultural Night" is divided into two parts, culture exhibition and cultural talent show. Participating groups come from all over the world, India, Israel, China, Vietnam, Russia, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Arab, etc., with miscellaneous handicrafts, food and fantastic performances, which accord with the theme of "multicultural integration". Among them, Chinese culture booth had gained much attention, and many students came to try writing Chinese characters with the brush under the direction of the Chinese teachers, experiencing the art of Chinese calligraphy. Many parents and other participating groups stood by the Chinese culture booth, discussing the Chinese culture with teachers of CINB, and creating a joyous atmosphere.

The small climax came when students sang the Chinese song "where is my friend" under the guidance of Mrs. Zhang Xiaoyu, which won a lot of praises and burst of applause from the audience. Because that very day was America’s Thanksgiving Day, students began to invite their parents and teachers to join the song together, shaking hands with each other, hugging and saying thanks to each other. Almost everyone picked up their phone, camera and video to take pictures of this memorable moment. 

Even after the event was over, there are still many parents and children lingering around the Chinese booth. Mr. Peter Wiggins expressed his heartfelt thanks again, gave a high praise to Mrs. Zhang’s Chinese teaching at this school, and further expressed that they would provide more supports for Chinese teaching and Chinese culture promotion.

2015 利物浦小学“多元文化夜”

(新布伦瑞克省孔院汉语老师 张晓宇)

      2015年11月26号, Liverpool Street小学“多元文化夜”如期举行。新布伦瑞克省孔子学院中方院长李敏红,孔院汉语语言老师张晓宇,孔院志愿者老师曹曦代表孔院参加此次活动。这是中国文化展第二次走进Liverpool Street小学。然而,新布伦瑞克省孔院与Liverpool Street小学结缘还要追溯到2013年11月21号的“多元文化夜”。那是中国文化第一次真正走进Liverpool,之前这所学校并没有开设过汉语课。当天,活动结束后,副校长Peter Wiggins先生对孔子学院的此次参与表示了由衷的欢迎,并表达了想将汉语与中国文化教学引进Liverpool Street小学的愿望,而这一愿望终于在两年后实现。2015年9月,在结束磨尔磨什汉语推广任务后,汉语教师张晓宇开始了在新布伦瑞克省省会城市福来的教学任务,担任两所学校的汉语教学工作—— Bliss Carman 中学和Liverpool Street小学。此次文化夜展览标志着新布伦瑞克省孔院与Liverpool Street小学第一次真正意义上的合作。

      2015 Liverpool Street小学“多元文化夜”分成两个部分,文化展和文化才艺秀。参展和参演的团体来自世界各地:印度,以色列, 中国,越南,俄罗斯,黎巴嫩,利比亚,约旦,阿拉伯,充分体现了“多元文化融合”的主题。其中,中国文化展台备受关注,孩子们跟着汉语教师学习用毛笔书写中国字,体验了中国的书法艺术;许多家长和其他参展团体驻足展台前与中国老师探讨中华文化,现场气氛其乐融融。


      活动结束后,仍有许多家长和孩子留恋于中国展台。副校长Peter Wiggins先生再次表达了对孔院的由衷感谢和对张老师两个月来汉语教学的肯定,并表示将加大对汉语教学的支持和推广。