Written by Zhang Xiaoyu
On February 10, 2016, the second day of the first lunar month of Monkey Year, red lanterns, Chinese knots, Spring couplets, Beijing opera masks, traditional Chinese umbrellas and Chinese zodiacs were all on display at Bliss Carman Middle School’s cultural event to usher in the year of Monkey.
This Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration at Bliss Carman is a big success with the CINB foreign director Mrs. Tengjing as special guests. Both the school and the local education bureau paid great attention to it. Also, it’s a periodic presentation of the Chinese language and culture course held by CINB teacher Zhang Xiaoyu since last September.
At the start of the event, teachers and students watched the Photostory,which reviewed bits and pieces of their Chinese learning experience from the past six months. The event started with two MCs in "sheep" and "monkey" costumes telling the story of the "Chinese Zodiacs" and the origin of the Chinese lunar year. The event involved all aspects of Chinese culture: the grade 7 students presented a refreshing version of “Jasmine Flower” sung in a humorous way; students from Chinese enrichment class made a wonderful presentation of their research on Chinese culture; the dancing group danced really well to “Sing Beijing Opera Masks”; and the bamboo dance, performed by the grade 8 students, caused a small discussion: is it a dance or sport?
Finally, students from the calligraphy group introduced the four treasures of study, and then they demonstrated their Chinese calligraphic work ("chun", “jie”, “kuai”,”le”, “sui”, “sui”, “ping”, “an”, "fu"). Next, festive music was sounded and all the performers collectively appeared on the stage, wishing each other “Guo Nian Hao !(Happy New Year)” in Chinese. The audience applauded loudly and the school principal Mr. Hamilton began to ask questions and handed out gift money. This brought the whole event to its climax! At the end of this event, Mrs. Jackie Firlotte from Newcomer student support, Anglophone School District-West, distributed fortune cookies to each student and teacher and wished everyone peace and good luck in the year to come.
This cultural event was coordinated by CINB teacher Zhang Xiaoyu along with Mrs. Jackie Firlotte, BCMS music teacher Mrs. Clarke, BCMS art teacher Mrs. Mills and BCMS teacher Mrs. Merasty. It gives BCMS teachers and students a better understanding of CINB and a good chance of experiencing the profound Chinese culture.
加拿大新省首府Bliss Carman中学迎猴年,新春文化体验校会
新布伦瑞克孔院教师 张晓宇
2016年2月10号,中国农历新年正月初二,新布伦瑞克省(以下简称新省)Bliss Carman 中学弥漫着浓浓的年味:挂灯笼,贴春联,发红包,画脸谱……掌声不断、笑声连绵,喜迎2016丙申猴年!
Bliss Carman中学成功举办“迎猴年,新春文化体验校会”,新省孔院外方院长滕菁女士特邀出席。该校会得到学校校长及当地教育局官员的高度重视,也是新省孔院教师张晓宇自去年九月份以来在该校开展汉语语言文化课程的阶段性成果展示。
活动伊始,师生们在欢快的音乐声中观看照片视频,回顾过去六个月汉语学习的点点滴滴。随后,身着“羊”、“猴”卡通服的主持人入场讲述“十二生肖的故事”,讲解农历中国年的来历,为整场活动拉开序幕,内容涉及中国文化的方方面面。7年纪孩子们幽默诙谐的合唱“茉莉花” 令人耳目一新;来自汉语加强班的孩子们自信满满地展示了课堂所学及课后调查成果;脸上画着精美脸谱的舞蹈队孩子们完美演绎“说唱脸谱”,并向全校讲解京剧中不同色彩的含义,将演出推向第一个小高潮;八年纪孩子们带来简单又活泼的竹竿舞,并引发小小的互动讨论:竹竿舞到底是舞蹈还是运动?
最后一个节目介绍中国书法中的“文房四宝”,书法组的孩子们一字排开,展示并用中文朗读自己的书法作品“ 春节快乐,岁岁平安”、“福”。随即,在喜庆的新年音乐声中,全体出演师生集体亮相、用标准的普通话拜大年、讨红包!在大家的欢呼声中,学校校长Mr. Hamilton先生上台,问问题发红包,全场台上台下观众演员踊跃举手,活动达到最高潮!活动结束,意犹未尽的师生们每人得到当地教育局官员Jackie Firlotte分发的幸运饼干,祝福来年平安、好运!
本次新春文化体验校会由新省孔院教师张晓宇和当地教育局官员Jackie Firlotte女士合作,在Bliss Carman 全校师生的通力支持下,取得圆满成功!不仅让全校师生对新省孔院有了进一步的了解,也在欢笑和互动中,体验博大精深的中华文化!