Written by Cao Xi

On June 17, 2016, a Chinese photographers team who is taking photos for “Focus on Canada” book came to visit Park Street School.

This photographers team is made up of 8 professional Chinese photo journalists including Mr. Wenlan Wang, the vice chairman of Chinese Photographers Association and Mr. Hailong Xie, a famous photographer in China. Led by Mr. Zhixiong Zhang, one of directors of Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada, the 8 photographers are trying to capture some shots and video of NB, celebrating the Chinese-Canadian connections. This effort is part of a “Focus on Canada” book that will be put together for the Chinese President to give to the Canadian Prime Minister during his planned visit to Asia this fall. As a model school of Confucius Institute in New Brunswick, Park Street School got this great opportunity to be highlighted in this event since it will be the first Trilingual School teaching with English, French and Chinese from this September.

The photographers team arrived Park Street School at noon, accompanied by the vice president of AEI and Executive Director of CINB, Ms. Dawn Weatherbie. Ms. Jing Teng, the Foreign Director of CINB, Mr. Chris Treadwell, the Principal of Park Street School with the volunteer Chinese Teacher Cao Xi gave them a warm reception. Meanwhile, more than 20 students in Park Street School wearing Chinese costumes expressed their hearty welcome for the special Chinese guests with saying “Hello” and “We love China” in Chinese.

In nearly an hour of shooting, the 8 photographers recorded this vibrant and full of Chinese elements school with their camera, and also recorded every beautiful smiling face of the students.

Through this event, we believe both Chinese photographers and Canadian Students, will become builders of bridge of friendship between China and Canada, also will make the “Focus on Canada” book more absorbing.



中国“聚焦加拿大”摄影家团队到访新省Park Street小学

      2016年6月17日,一批来自中国的顶级摄影家到访了新布伦瑞克省Park Street小学,为“聚焦加拿大”图册采集图片。

      这批摄影师团队由包括时任中国摄影家协会副主席的王文澜,中国著名摄影家解海龙等8人组成,他们在加拿大加皇国际教育集团董事张志雄先生的带领下来到加拿大为一些重点中加合作项目采集照片,这些照片即将收录于“聚焦加拿大”图册中,并在2016年下半年举办的G20峰会前推出,或将成为承载中加友谊的诚意之作。而在这次图片采集活动中,即将在今年秋季开设“英法汉”三语学校的Park Street小学,作为新省孔院优秀教学示范点荣幸地获得了此次上镜的机会。

      摄影家团在加拿大大西洋教育集团(AEI)副总裁、孔子学院执行理事Dawn Weatherbie女士的陪同下于17日中午到达了Park Street小学。新省孔院外方院长滕菁女士,Park Street小学校长Chris Treadwell先生和任教于Park Street小学的汉语志愿者教师曹曦共同接待了摄影团。同时,20多名Park Street小学的学生身穿中式服装,手持花伞和彩扇等中国特色物品,齐呼“你好”、“我爱中国”等汉语也表达了他们对中国客人的热烈欢迎。


