As CCTV Spring Festival Gala just ended, far away in New Brunswick Canada, the Spring Festival celebration started grandly. On Local time January 29th, Chinese Spring Festival Gala was held in Playhouse in Fredericton, the capital of NB. Led by Executive Director Dawn. Weatherbie,teachers and students of New Brunswick Confucius Institute collaborated to perform a fantanstic typical Chinese show "Singing Opera Masks".

Lieutenant Governor and Vice Governor of New Brunswick were both present in the gala and made an address. Assistant Deputy Minister of Education Department Chris Treadwell, as CINB representative shared the exciting news that CINB has been awarded “Confucius Institute of the Year” in 2016, warm applause ringing out continuously during his speech. Mr. Peng, Chinese Consul General in Montrea even made his trip down especially for the gala and made remarks.

The theater was fully packed. The strong cast team gave a magnificent Spring Festival Gala to the audience. More than 20 studnets and teachers from Park Street Elementary School, which is one of CINB teaching point, performed in the gala. The performers are at the ages from 7 to 10, have srong affection of Chinese culture. With active rehearsal of the students, positive supporting of their parents, and careful guiding of Chinese volunteer teachers Chen Junfeng and Wang Jingli, a fantanstic dancing show was put on stage successfully. The Chinese teacher Zheng Xiaochan and Park Street primary school teacher Mr. Landry sang "singing Opera Mask" together. At the end of the show, CINB teachers and students expressed best wishes for the new year accompanied with warmly applaude by the auidience.

The preformance was a great successful. The Vice Governor L’hon Stephen Horsman and The Chinese Consul General in Montreal Peng Jingtao came to meet with CINB students and teachers. It also obtained highly praise by the organizers and the audience. The performance not only showed the spirit of CINB, but also the charming Chinese language and culture. It will also inspire the local students to further explore China and the profound Chinese culture. In the year of Rooster, CINB will strive to spread Chinese traditional culture and language continually, but deeper and further!




      新省总督和副省长代表政府出席晚会并致辞。教育厅副厅长助理Chris Treadwell代表孔子学院致辞,并通报孔子学院获得全球优秀奖,全场掌声雷动。蒙特利尔领事馆彭总领事专程从蒙城赶来,致以春节祝贺。

      当天晚上剧场内座无虚席,演员队伍阵容强大,为观众朋友们送上了一台美轮美奂的精彩春晚。孔子学院的教学单位Park street小学二十余人参加演出。学生年龄从7岁到10岁不等,出于对中国文化的热爱,学生和家长们积极配合练习和彩排,汉语志愿者教师陈俊锋、王静丽带着孩子们给观众献上了活泼可爱的舞蹈表演,汉语教师郑晓婵 和Mr. Landry 演唱了歌曲《唱脸谱》,节目最后孔子学院师生共同祝福大家新年快乐,表演得到了观众们热烈的掌声。

      演出非常成功,受到了副省长L’hon, Stephen Horsman先生以及彭惊涛总领事的接见,及主办方和现场观众的好评,向当地人民展示了孔子学院的风采,让他们领略了中国语言和中华文化的独特魅力,同时也激发了华人后代以及当地学生们进一步学好汉语的兴趣与热情。新的一年新省孔子学院努力把中华传统文化传播的更远,让中华传统文化在新省每一个地方生根发芽,弘扬传统文化的魅力精髓!