On May 5th and 6th, 2018, CINB held Chinese teaching meeting in St. John. Chinese director and foreign director as well as ten Chinese teachers attended the meeting.
This meeting was prepared over one month in advance. All the teachers in CINB participated in discussing the topics of it and did a lot of preparation work. In order to increase freshness and sparks of thought, random grouping was adopted in the discussion section. Those who present the meeting were divided into three groups by drawing lots and the group representatives shared their group results later. There were eight topics discussed in total.
The first topic is "teaching practice". First of all, the foreign director Teng Jing introduced educational rules, regulations, teaching requirements and professional qualities for a qualified teacher in New Brunswick. Then, all the teachers shared their understanding and experience in teaching practice. The former excellent Chinese teacher Jiang Jie also attended the meeting to share her opinions on this topic based on her work experience for years. In the end, all the discussions for this topic were summed up. Through the discussion, all the teachers have a better understanding of the local teaching practice and realize the importance of "doing as the Romans do", which helps them to better integrating into the local educational environment. It was decided that teaching practice would be listed as the primary topic for new teacher training in the future.
The second topic is "setting up HSK testing site". The volunteer Chinese teacher Liu Xiaowei reported the work on setting up HSK testing site and expressed that the negotiation for setting up HSK testing site in Riverview High School had entered the confirmation stage. All the Chinese teachers had an in-depth discussion on issues related to HSK testing, including the testing site setting, invigilators training, teaching arrangement for testing and so on. The first HSK testing site can be expected soon.
The third topic is "online teaching". CINB is going to launch online Chinese credit course. By connecting online learning with offline teaching together, high schools without Chinese course especially rural high schools will have Chinese course, which will help students to learn the Chinese language and understand Chinese culture to promote the internationalization of New Brunswick and make Chinese spread to every corner of New Brunswick. At the same time, this move, with good sustainability, will also lower cost for selecting and sending teachers and funding investment.
The fourth topic is "the establishment of CINB official website". Last year, CINB official website got 42,000 high hits in total, exerting a widespread influence. The professional website maintainer Mr. Dai was invited to attend the meeting. After listening to the suggestions put forward by all teachers, he would do some adjustments for the related website designs. Besides, he raised unified regulations for website news script. Through this change, CINB website will be further improved in quality and it will become a better window for CINB's publicity.

The fifth topic is "cultural teaching and presentation". This is mainly about the connection between different teaching forms with cultural teaching, such as the connection between dance, music and cultural teaching, the connection between Chinese Kung Fu and cultural teaching, the connection between poems and Chinese teaching and so on. Chinese volunteer teacher Liu Xiaowei put forward to hold "Chinese Food Festival" to spread Chinese food culture. Discussion on this topic efficiently helped all teachers to understand the fundamental procedure of organizing cultural teaching and presentation, getting their ideas into shape, adopt innovation and advance the Chinese teaching to develop in introducing new ideas.
The sixth topic is "teaching experience sharing". All the teachers shared their teaching experience and raised their confusions and difficulties in class. They spoke out freely and accumulated insights. The Chinese Li Yanmei put forward that it is a good way to introduce Chinese picture books into class. By telling stories, teachers can help students to know about Chinese characters and Chinese cultures. All the teachers learned from each other and improved themselves in experience sharing.
The seventh is "syllabus of Chinese teaching", which was mainly written by Chinese teacher Tian Tian and Li Nannan. All the teachers present gave their advice for the established syllabus.
The eighth is "technology and Chinese teaching". The Chinese director Dai Zunfeng shared all kinds of supplementary means in Chinese teaching, such as some useful Chinese teaching phone APP, famous Chinese teaching website, access to Chinese teaching videos and so on. Then, other teachers added some according to their teaching experience. It is necessary to applying technology into Chinese teaching. Appropriate use of technology will better arouse students' study interest, create better study atmosphere and further improve Chinese teaching quality.
Best minds gather together to build CINB and promote its development. This meeting summed up the progress CINB has achieved in this semester, analyzed the problems in work, shared teaching experience and made it clear of the focus for future work.


      会议第二项议题为“HSK考试考点设置”。汉语教师志愿者刘晓唯汇报了新省孔院设置HSK考点的工作进程,表示孔院在蒙克顿市Riverview High School设置考点的洽谈已进入最后确认阶段。与会老师对HSK考试的相关事项进行了认真讨论,包括考点的设置、监考人员的培训、以及与考试相适应的教学安排等。新省孔院的第一个HSK考点指日可待。