孔子学院走进Liverpoor Street小学“多元文化之夜”

2013年11月21日,新布伦瑞克省孔子学院参加了弗莱市Liverpoo了 Street小学举办的“多元文化之夜” 活动。这是中国文化第一次真正走进Liverpoo了 Street小学,之前这所学校并没有开设过汉语课。新布伦瑞克孔院也正想借此机会为这所学校开启传播中国文化的大门。
新布伦瑞克孔院中方院长杨建华与志愿者曹曦组织了此次活动,他们用“灯笼”、“中国结”、“京剧脸谱”、“文房四宝”等多种中国元素精心布置了展台,同时也展示了孔子学院在Park Street小学三年来的汉语教学和文化推广成果。在活动中,中国文化展台备受关注,孩子们跟着志愿者教师学习用毛笔书写中国字,体验了中国的书法艺术,中方院长杨建华老师也与孩子们踢起了毽子。
活动结束后,Liverpool Street小学副校长Peter Wiggins先生对孔子学院的此次参与表示了由衷的欢迎,并表达了想将汉语与中国文化教学引进Liverpool Street小学的愿望。尤其是在听了杨建华院长对Park Street小学开展的各种中国文化教学活动的介绍之后,他更是迫切的希望这一天能早日到来,并表示他会和孔子学院为此共同努力。

CINB Joined the "Multicultural Evening" of Liverpool Street Elementary School

CINB attended the “Multicultural Evening” held by Liverpool Street Elementary School in Fredericton on Nov. 21st , 2013. This was the first time for CINB to spread Chinese culture in this school. There is no Chinese class offered there so far, so CINB also want to take this chance to open the door of spreading Chinese culture to this school.
Professor Yang Jianhua, the Chinese Director of CINB and the Volunteer Chinese Teacher Miss Cao Xi took part in the event. They decorated Chinese culture exhibition booth with “Chinese lanterns”, “Chinese knots”, “facial makeup of Peking Opera”, “the Scholar’s four jewels” and so on. They also exhibited the Chinese culture teaching achievements in Park Street Elementary School in the past two years. Chinese culture booth had gained much attention, and many students came to try write Chinese characters with the brush under the direction of the volunteer Chinese teacher Miss Xi Cao, experiencing the Chinese calligraphy art. Professor Yang kicked the shuttlecock with the students.
Professor Yang gave a detailed introduction about the cultural activities CINB has done in Park Street Elementary Schools for the past two years, and suggested that CINB could arrange a Chinese teacher to their school if they hope to open Chinese culture and language class. The Vice Principal Mr. Peter Wiggins thanked CINB for their attendance, and expressed the thought of starting Chinese culture teaching in their school. He said he would work with CINB in a joint effort for this target.