On November 30, Confucius Institute in New Brunswick (CINB) held the 10th anniversary celebration and a series of related activities. Mr. Brian Kenny, director of Education Department of New Brunswick, Mr. John McLaughlin, Deputy Minister of New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and President and CEO of Atlantic Education International (AEI) and chairman of CINB, four people from Qufu Normal University with the vice president, Mr.Hu Qingxue, and the president, famous contemporary educator, Mr. Wang Benzhong, member of CINB Board of Directors and chairman of AKD International, Dr. Francis Pang, Executive Director of CINB, Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie, councillor of Fredericton, directors of English District of New Brunswick Education Department, the foreign director of CINB, Mrs. Teng Jing, over 100 educational officials and presidents gathered together in Fredericton to attend the 10th anniversary of CINB and the opening ceremony of Confucius Classroom in Park Street Elementary School. 

Celebration activities consist of the following three parts.

1. The opening ceremony of Confucius Classroom in Park Street Elementary School.

2. The Board of Directors meeting of CINB.

3. The banquet for the 10th anniversary.

In the morning of Nov.30, the opening ceremony of 1st Confucius Classroom in New Brunswick was held in Park Street Elementary School. Three students of the school host the ceremony in English, French and Chinese. The director of Education Department in Fredericton delivered a speech. He hoped that on the occasion of the 10th of CINB and the 20th anniversary of educational cooperation between AKD and New Brunswick, the cooperation with China would be intensified, China-Canada cultural exchanges would be promoted and friendship between the two countries would be strengthened, which won a round of warm applause from guests present and teachers and students of Park Street Elementary School. Then, in his speech, Mr. Hu Qingxue, vice president of Qufu Normal University congratulated the opening of Confucius Classroom and invited guests to Qufu, the Confucius’s hometown. He also spoke of his firm determination to cultivate more excellent Chinese teachers. Later, the director of Education Department, chairman of CINB, city councillor, Mr. Hu Qingxue and Mr. Wang Benzhong inaugurated for the Confucius Classroom. Under the direction of volunteer Chinese teacher Chen Junfeng, students of Park Street Elementary School gave a wonderful performance with Chinese characteristics, recite of Analects of Confucius, the Dai nationality dance and “ Three Character Classic” Han style dance, which won thunderous applause. Chinese Kong Fu teacher of CINB, Mr. Guan Yuqi lead all students to learn Chinese Kong Fu, which was impressive. After the performance, guests gave gifts to each other and celebrated together. 

In the afternoon, board members of the Confucius Institute held an annual meeting in 2017. The Canadian members, including Assistant Deputy Minister, New Brunswick Department of Early Childhood Development, Mr. Chris Trandwell, Dr. Francis pang, and Vice President AEI, Executive Director of CINB, Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie, and Chinese board members, including Vice President of Qufu Normal University, Mr. Hu Qingxue, Prof. Cao Li, Prof. Li Shanyang, and Mr. Wang Benzhong attended to this meeting which was host by Deputy Minister of New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and President/CEO Atlantic Education International (AEI), Mr. John McLaughlin.

In the meeting, foreign director, superintendent of CINB, Mrs. Teng Jing made a report on the work summary of CINB in 2017, and the financial report made by Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie.

Board members affirmed and praised the work achievements and efforts of CINB in 2017, and has approved a resolution on further strengthening cooperation between the two sides through the head teacher teaching Chinese credit courses online and offline in the New Brunswick. The meeting was a complete success.

In the evening, nearly 100 educational officials and principals of New Brunswick, drove to attend the celebration banquet of “the 20th anniversary of the partnership between AKD International and Atlantic Education International, and 10th anniversary of the Confucius Institutes in New Brunswick”.

The event kicked off in the beautiful Chinese music of the pianist, the excellent student of CINB, Mr. Roger Lord. The director of the education department addressed the banquet and gave Dr. Francis Pang a gift for the celebration of 20-year friendship between AKD international and New Brunswick.

The vice president of Qufu Normal University, Mr. Hu Qingxue made a speech  on behalf of the Chinese partners and made a keynote speech entitled “ ‘Glamour of the Gourd’—Gourd Culture Along the Silk Road” Canada Exhibition. Then, there was an opening ceremony for the “Gourd Painting Studio”. In order to express his congratulation to CINB, Mr. Hu gave 30 beautiful gourds painting to the CINB which won a round of applause from the audience.

After that, Mrs.Teng Jing was invited to make a speech on stage, and she told a story of that she lead teacher teams to develop Chinese program in the past ten years. and expressed her appreciation to everyone who had contributed to the development of CINB, especially the superintendent of district, board members. The participants expressed their congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the CINB and affirmed the remarkable contribution to enhancing the mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and Canada made by CINB. The 10th anniversary celebration of the CINB came a successfully conclusion in that evening.

As the Confucius Institute Headquarters and the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Montreal wrote about the letters of congratulation: during the past decade, CINB has been actively involving and serving the local society and upholding the principle of “ language driving communication and culture diving the win-win results”. CINB has become an important window for the eastern Canada community to learn Chinese and know about China. It is believed that through joint efforts, the Confucius Institute in New Brunswick will keep the leading momentum and achieve greater success in the new area!

(Written by Confucius Institute in New Brunswick)



      当地时间2017年11月30日,加拿大新伦布瑞克省孔子学院举行了孔子学院十周年庆典及相关系列活动。新省教育厅厅长Mr. Brian Kenny,新布伦瑞克省教育和早期儿童发展厅副厅长,大西洋国际教育集团总裁、首席执行官,新省孔院理事长Mr. John McLaughlin,曲阜师范大学副校长扈庆学一行四人,当代教育学家王本中校长,新省孔院理事会成员、加皇国际教育集团董事长彭建华博士,大西洋国际教育集团副总裁,孔子学院执行理事Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie,弗莱市议员、新省英语教育学区西区教育局局长,新省孔院外方院长、教学总督导滕菁女士等,全省100多位教育官员、校长驱车来到首府参加庆祝孔子学院10周年及孔子课堂揭牌仪式。






      下午,孔子学院理事会成员召开了2017 年度会议。由新省教育厅副厅长、理事会理事长Mr. John McLaughlin主持,加方理事有副厅长助理Mr. Chris Trandwell、彭建华博士、孔子学院理事会执行理事Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie出席,中方理事有曲阜师范大学扈庆学副校长、曹莉教授和李善阳教授出席。特邀荣获当代教育家称号的王本中校长列席。会议听取了新省孔院外方院长、教学总督导滕菁女士的工作报告,及由Mrs. Dawn Weatherbie 所做的财务报告。理事会肯定了新省孔院的工作成绩和努力,并通过了由核心教师在新省孔院线上线下教授汉语学分课程,及进一步加强双方合作的决议。会议取得圆满成功。

      当晚,全省近百位教育官员、校长驱车参加“中加学校和新省教育合作20周年,孔子学院成立10周年”庆典。活动在优秀学员钢琴家Roger Lord唯美的中国乐曲中拉开帷幕。教育厅厅长讲话并为彭建华博士颁发证书。曲阜师范大学副校长扈庆学代表中国合作方讲话,并做了题为“‘最葫芦·葫芦文化丝路行’走进加拿大”主题演讲。新省教育厅长与扈校长为 “葫芦画社”成功揭牌,并把三十幅富有美好寓意的葫芦佳作赠予孔子学院,赢得在场阵阵掌声。活动中,外方院长滕菁女士受邀上台,讲述她在新省十年带领教师团队开创孔院项目的故事,并向每一位为孔院发展作出贡献的学区总督导、理事会成员致谢。与会嘉宾纷纷对新省孔院10周年表达了祝贺,肯定了新省孔院为增进中加人民的理解和友谊做出的重要贡献。至此,孔院10周年庆典圆满落幕。

