On Jan. 21st, 2015, CINB attended the 6th “Multicultural Night” of Park Street Elementary School. “Multicultural Night” is a big event for Park Street. Every year, there are many people came from different countries join the event to show their own culture. And this was the 4th time for CINB to join it. Ms. Dawn Weatherbie, Vice-president Operations of AEI, the Executive Director of CINB, Ms. Jing Teng, the Director of CINB, Mr. Fazhou Fei, the Kung fu Teacher of CINB and Ms Xi Cao, the Volunteer Chinese Teacher took part in the event.

During the event, the Chinese culture exhibition booth was full of many kinds of Chinese elements, like Chinese Panda toy, paper-cuts, Chinese chess, allegros and the “Scholar’s four jewels” , which attracted many audiences. The Provincial Governor, Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau and her husband, as well as L’hon. Stephen Horsman, the Vice-premier minister of NB also came to visit Chinese culture exhibition booth. Mr. Stephen Horsman expressed his gratitude to CINB for what CINB had done for promoting the culture exchange between China and Canada.

At last, Ms. Xi Cao, with 6 students come from Park Street School performed a Chinese national dance, and Mr. Fei professionally played Tai Ji which won a warm applause from the entire audiences. We believed that Chinese culture had left a deeper impression to the audiences through this event.

新布伦瑞克省孔子学院参加Park Street小学“多元文化夜”活动

    2015年1月21日,新布伦瑞克省孔子学院参加了弗莱市Park Street 小学的第六届“多元文化夜”活动。“多元文化夜”是Park Street小学一年一度的重大活动,每一年都会有很多来自不同国家的移民来此展示各自的文化。而今年,也是新布伦瑞克省孔院第四次参加此次活动。加拿大大西洋国际教育集团(AEI)副总裁,孔子学院执行理事 Dawn Weatherbie 女士,孔子学院外方院长滕箐女士,孔子学院武术教师费发洲先生以及志愿者教师曹曦共同参加了此次活动。

    活动中,中国展台上摆满了具有中国特色的物品,如熊猫玩具、剪纸、象棋、快板、文房四宝等等,琳琅满目,吸引了众多观众。新省总督Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau夫妇以及新省副省长L’hon. Stephen Horsman先生也亲自来到中国展台参观,并合影留念。副省长L’hon. Stephen Horsman先生对孔子学院为促进中加两国文化交流所作出的努力深表感谢。

    活动最后,志愿者教师曹曦带领Park Street小学的6名学生表演了欢快的中国民族舞蹈,武术教师费发洲先生则带来了专业的太极拳表演,博得了在场观众的阵阵掌声。通过这次活动,新布伦瑞克省孔子学院所代表的中国文化再次给大家留下了深刻的印象。