On Feb.21st, 2015, Chinese New Year was celebrated in Bernice McNaughton High School, where the first Chinese course was set up by Mrs. Teng Jing. The gala attracted nearly 5oo audiences.  Mr. Yang Qing, consul, consulate-general of China in Montreal, Mr. Robert Goguen, deputy mayor of Moncton, Yvon Lapierre, mayor of Dieppe attended the gala and each delivered a speech.

Led by volunteer Chinese teacher Miss Mou, 24 kids from two different schools played a skit called Chinese Zodiac Story. This elaborate combination of Chinese martial arts, Chinese folk music, Chinese dance and Chinese mythologies caught the attention of all the audiences. Mrs. Jane Trainor,  who works as an art teacher in Bessbough Elementary School did all the facial make-up work for the performers. The most eye-catching figure was Dr. Su Ruini, who acted as the Jade Emperor in the skit. Having been learning Chinese for nearly 6 years, she won a warm applause for her precise mandarin pronunciation from both the Chinese and Canadian audiences. Mrs. Teng Jing delivered a short speech sending new year greeting to everyone and gave the audiences Chinese calendar as gifts.

A brand new year symbolizes new outlook. We believe that with the joint efforts from CINB and local government, a bridge which promotes the mutual understanding and corporation between Chinese and Canadians will be built.  

CINB 参加蒙克顿市华人春晚


       2015年2月21日下午5时,蒙克顿地区华人春晚在本市第一所开设汉语课的高中Bernice McNaughton High School 隆重拉开帷幕。本次华人春晚共吸引了近500名中外观众前来观看。中国驻蒙特利尔总领事馆单承林领事、杨青领事,蒙克顿市市长代理Shawn Crossman 及Dawn Arnold等议员受邀出席晚会并致新年贺辞。此外,蒙克顿市教育局也派专人携各个开设汉语课的中小学校校长出席晚会。

       CINB 表演团在志愿者牟春晓老师的带领下,表演了以十二生肖故事为主线,融合了武术、民乐、中国舞蹈、民间传说等多种中国文化元素的短剧。共有来自两所小学的24个学生参与演出。Birchmount School的艺术老师Jane Trainor女士承担了本次演出的化妆工作,为饰演十二个生肖动物的小演员们做了面部彩绘。另外,跟随CINB学习汉语近六年的苏瑞妮医生也参加了当晚的表演。苏医生字正腔圆的汉语发音,华贵典雅的东方装束,博得了在场观众的阵阵掌声。为此次活动,牟春晓老师花费近两个月时间寻找多方支持,组织演员队伍,自己绘制道具,一分耕耘一分收获。演出大获成功。

       滕菁女士代表CINB 在晚宴上致辞,为蒙克顿市华人华侨及当地外国友人送去新春的祝福,并将年味十足的中国挂历赠送给现场观众。
