1. 2013年2月Park街小学师生在弗莱市华人春晚表演舞蹈《读唐诗》,该节目被评为“网络春晚”优秀节目。Park Street School students performing a dance at the local Chinese New Year Gala

2. 2013年2月中国驻蒙特利尔总领事赵建平会见蒙克顿市教育局官员及当地中小学校长。Consul General Ms ZHAO Jianping meeting with the School District Superintendent and the principals in Moncton area

3. 2013年5月新布伦瑞克省省长及高教厅厅长长参观孔院图书展并与中外方院长及志愿者合影。The provincial Prime Minister and the Minister of High Educaiton visiting the Chinese books exhibition

4. 2013年7月新省教育厅副厅长一行参观汉办并向马箭飞副主任递交新省孔院第二个五年的续签协议。The Deputy Minister of Education Mr. John McLaughlin presenting the Agreement to the Deputy Dean Mr. MA Jianfei.

5. 7月夏令营学生在汉办合影留念。The Summer Camp students in Hanban