

    Saturday,22 November,2014 the annual Christmas Parade of Moncton rolled in the sight of people at 5pm. And one of the highlights of the Parade with audiences of over 100,000 people was “Giant Pandas”of CINB(Confucious Institue of New Branswick).

    大蒙克顿圣诞花车游行是由民间机构发起组织的大型活动,其组委会成员全部是义工,其费用全部来自本地企业、个人和政府的捐款。这个始于1967年的圣诞节花车游行,每年吸引100多辆花车参加 ,在11月份的最后一个星期六晚上举行。经过47年的发展,现在已经成为本地区规模最盛大的节庆游行活动。

    The Majesta Greater Moncton Santa Claus Parade is the large-scale activities organized by non-governmental organizations and members of the organizing committee are all volunteers, its cost are all from local enterprises, individuals and government contribution. The first Santa Claus Parade was held in 1967, since then it had been held each year on the last Saturday in November night. After 47 years of development, the Majesta Greater Moncton Santa Claus Parade, which  attracts more than 100 floats every year, has now become the largest festival parade region. 

    今年是新不伦瑞省孔院第四年参加迎接圣诞花车游行,今年的主题是熊猫。参加此次活动的大熊猫们可谓中西合璧。化身大熊猫的有,孔院外方院长滕菁女士,两名孔院志愿者牟春晓和程颖超以及来自Harrison Trimble High School的志愿者们。外国志愿者们都是中文学习的爱好者,他们是藤菁女士的学生,只见他们始终举着庆祝孔院十周年的横幅,手执中国结及京剧脸谱,并用中文向家乡的人们送去圣诞快乐的祝福。